XR-Tour 2023 in Cologne
It was a pleasure to be part of it

At the end of November, 25 company representatives from a wide range of industries visited us in our beautiful office in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Here we presented our projects in the field of digital learning. The focus was on our cooperation projekt with Aachen University hospital: Together, we are developing digital learning and training modules to not only make training in nursing more attractive, but also to make learning more sustainable and independent of time and space.
The learning modules include:
- Digital flashcards on surgical instruments: Knowledge query and check
- Spatial exploration of the hospital: 360° images with virtual info points on locationo, facilities or content
- Spatial experience: a digital twin of an operating room that contains information in various levels of detail for medical staff and is enhanced with realtime 3D content

If you want to find out more, take a look here:
Thanks to KölnBusiness Wirtschaftsförderung for allowing us to be part of this year's XR-Tour in Cologne.
published: December 12th 2023